Hi Michael,


This was an unintended change. We had a series of unforeseen issues with hosting.


The website where tls.mbed.org redirects at the moment has been available for years at https://www.trustedfirmware.org/projects/mbed-tls/ and its creation and content is independent from the current issue. The redirection was intended as a temporary measure.


That said, in the future the TF.org website might or might not be part of what will be found under tls.mbed.org. But either way, the documentation will be available there and we are looking into solutions for making the old links work again as well.


Kind regards,




On 07/07/2022, 16:19, "Michael Richardson" <mcr@sandelman.ca> wrote:


Janos Follath via mbed-tls <mbed-tls@lists.trustedfirmware.org> wrote:

    > We are aware of the issue and still working on making the documentation

    > available again. We aim to get all the material back online. It might

    > not happen at once: we are planning to make the first bits available

    > soon and the rest will be added back gradually over time.


So did some marketing person attack the web site then?

Maybe the recent ARM personnel issues means a person inexperienced with this

community got involved.


I am not a fan of many Doxygen generated documentation sets, and I've

wandered around that part without learning anything for hours.

So, it might be reasonable to think that really poor documentation is worse

than no documentation, but I'm not sure we were really at that point.


    tim> 1.) a lot of previously linked, useful information now redirects

    tim> here:  https://www.trustedfirmware.org/projects/mbed-tls/ which

    tim> (please excuse my frankness) feels like an utterly useless

    tim> abomination that only marketing people could love.


Also, a huge SEO loss.