Referring to https://mbed-tls.readthedocs.io/en/latest/kb/how-to/generate-a-self-signed-c... I am trying to create mutual certificates for server / client self signed certificates. As I derive from the web page the following steps need to be followed:
gen_key type=rsa rsa_keysize=2048 filename=ca.key format=pem cert_write selfsign=1 issuer_key=ca.key issuer_name=CN=myserver,O=myorganization,C=NL not_before=20130101000000 not_after=20251231235959 is_ca=1 max_pathlen=0 output_file=my_crt.crt
Server Side: What steps to do to create the following files where server.crt is server side certificate, sever.key is the server private key and trusted.pem is the CA that it trusts. server.crt, server.key, trusted.pem[trusted.pem==>is it my_crt.crt]
Do we need to create new server keys and certificates then do we need to bundle them - I am not sure how and what steps to do?
Client Side What steps to do to create the following file where client.crt is client side certificate, client.key is the client private key and trusted.pem is the CA that it trusts. client.crt, client.key, trusted.pem[trusted.pem==>is it my_crt.crt]
Do we need to create new client keys and certificates then do we need to bundle them - I am not sure how and what steps to do?
Objective: Objective is that client and server should be able to connect securely successfully using their certs
Request to provide help related to the generation of self-signed client / server certs that can be used for SSL handshake using MBedTLS library.
Regards, Prakash