Hi everyone,
I would like to know what is the current support of Mbed TLS regarding the RFC 9146 (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc9146) published in March 2022.
Mbed TLS is currently supporting a draft version of this RFC (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-tls-dtls-connection-id-05) through the define MBEDTLS_SSL_DTLS_CONNECTION_ID, but I just wanted to know the progress on supporting the newly RFC released this year. Are there any plan to support it soon ? If yes, will it be in the coming weeks / months (i.e.: next release) ?
I'm asking since I'm currently playing with the Connection ID on both a DTLS 1.2 Server and DTLS 1.2 Client.
Anyway, have a nice day, Best regards, Jérémy Audiger
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