Dear All,

We would like to announce that we have published an experimental project called rust-spmc which is a S-EL1 FF-A Secure Partition Manager Core implementation in Rust. We started this as a free time project and now we had the opportunity to publish it on In its current state it has a partial implementation of the FF-A protocol, and it is able to run the secure partitions of Trusted Services with all tests passing on Arm FVP. It also provides the required compartmentalization between the S-EL0 secure partitions.
Please note that the project is experimental (i.e. PoC, not suitable for production) and it is currently not scheduled by Arm for further development.
The Rust language is an ideal language for implementing firmware components given its lack of undefined behavior and its memory safety guarantees. Our goal was to demonstrate the capabilities of language in a security critical firmware environment and to gather feedback from partners which could open up the possibility of further development of the project.
The repository is available here:
We also prepared a readme with instructions for testing the project:

Please reach out to us if you are interested in the project or if you have any questions.

Bálint Dobszay & Imre Kis