The end-to-end testing prototype is now completed and enabled. This encompases an end-to-end testing pipeline whereby TF-A code submission to gerrit results in a TF build (based on the code submission) being injected into a file system (recovery image) and booted on a Juno device in the Linaro TF LAVA instance with the results of the boot test available in the LAVA instance.
Here's the explanation of the CI pipeline: 1. Trigger - capture gerrit events: https://ci.trustedfirmware.org/job/trigger-tf-a-builder/ All changes made to the trusted-firmware A repository are captured by the trigger event and result in a build. e.g., triggering commit: https://review.trustedfirmware.org/c/TF-A/trusted-firmware-a/+/3100 Note: this is in silent mode (links to the build job are currently disabled, and will be re-enableb today). 2. Build Binary Artifacts - Binary artifacts built via: https://ci.trustedfirmware.org/job/tf-a-builder/ e.g., https://ci.trustedfirmware.org/job/tf-a-builder/631/ (with a link to the accompanying LAVA job and a link to the trigger job in gerrit) 3. Recovery/Flash submission to LAVA - Used to flash the binary to the board: https://ci.trustedfirmware.org/job/post-build-lava/ 4. LAVA tests results e.g., Specific example of the template applied to a specific build (631 above) https://tf.validation.linaro.org/scheduler/job/895/definition Results: https://tf.validation.linaro.org/results/895 Link to all jobs: https://tf.validation.linaro.org/scheduler/alljobs
Some additional information: * tf-a-ci-scripts git repository has been set up and contains the CI scripts for TF-A. https://git.trustedfirmware.org/ci/tf-a-ci-scripts.git/ * tf-a-job-configs git repository has been set up and contains the Jenkins jobs configurations automatically deployed on https://ci.trustedfirmware.org Jenkins instance. https://git.trustedfirmware.org/ci/tf-a-job-configs.git/