As we planned some time ago in one of the Tech Forums about updating the partition storage (Search "TF-M Partition Storage Arrangement" here:https://www.trustedfirmware.org/meetings/tf-m-technical-forum/ ), we have created several patches to complete this.
Here in this mail is to broadcast that the partition storage would get updated after this patch, the loading process in SPM would be updated as well to provide:
* Better modularization, especially for partitions. Now the partition info are put inside sections, hence there is no source level dependencies in SPM. When partitions get added/removed during one build it won't trigger a build of SPM library. * Clear interface for future expansion, such as other partition loading mechanism, for example, a partition saved in a non-XIP flash or else. But at current stage we still focus on storing partition in XIP based ROM.
Some intermedia patches can't be perfect during the movement, so please focus on the final result of patch groups instead of focusing to make one of the staging patches perfect - we don't want to create a big patch hence some trade-off-like patches have to be there.
The patches can be found here: https://review.trustedfirmware.org/q/topic:%22partition_storage%22+(status:o...)
Feel free to comment and provide ideas!