Hi Everyone,

This Thursday , Shruti from TF-RMM team will discuss the following topics in TF-A Tech Forum :


  1. Integration of CPPCheck in TF-RMM
  2. TF-A-Tests enhancements and testing for TF-RMM


Best Regards

Soby Mathew


-----Original Appointment-----
From: Trusted Firmware Public Meetings <linaro.org_havjv2figrh5egaiurb229pd8c@group.calendar.google.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2024 10:13 PM
To: Trusted Firmware Public Meetings; tf-a@lists.trustedfirmware.org; marek.bykowski@gmail.com; okash.khawaja@gmail.com
Subject: TF-A Tech Forum
When: 02 May 2024 16:00-17:00 Europe/London.


TF-A Tech Forum

We run an open technical forum call for anyone to participate and it is not restricted to Trusted Firmware project members. It will operate under the guidance of the TF TSC. Feel free to forward this



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We run an open technical forum call for anyone to participate and it is not restricted to Trusted Firmware project members. It will operate under the guidance of the TF TSC.

Feel free to forward this invite to colleagues. Invites are via the TF-A mailing list and also published on the Trusted Firmware website.

Details are here: https://www.trustedfirmware.org/meetings/tf-a-technical-forum/

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